Double twisted rawhide tongues. The shaft encased in traditional green leather basket weave. Leather covered grip and wrist loop with old English exhibition tag describing it, stating that it was collected at Shungo, Niger, and noting the owner, W J Seago. The Journal of the Manchester Geographical Society, first quarter, 1886 describes in detail the expedition, as a sketch of a trip to Sokoto by the Niger, mentioning Seago several times including his being held at gun point by the porters. The account transcribed by the presentation of the head of the exhibition, Mr. Joseph Thompson, F.R.G.S. on Jan 27, 1886. This quirt and the pouch following, were undoubtedly displayed at that presentation. Very rarely are we able to unite an ethnographic artifact with the expedition on which it was collected. In this instance, the amount of detail is profuse and the story fascinating!