The first all natural, non-invasive solution for warts. Wart Wonder is a natural wart remover. It addresses the virus that causes the wart.
Our herbalist, Linda Doby could have designed this beautiful formula to work in a matter of days, BUT that would have created an eschar (a big hole) in your skin and it would have been painful, too. Rather, she's looking out or you. With your consistent, soaking application the formula takes as long as it takes for your own healthy skin to fill in behind the dying away wart.
Wellinhand Action Remedies offers your natural, vegan solution to annoying, unsightly, and painful warts based on type, age, placement of the wart(s).
Product Info
The first all natural, non-invasive solution for warts. Wellinhand Action Remedies offers your solution to pesky warts based on type, age, placement of wart(s)
Here's how you use the right solution:
- Wart Wonder™ Regular The ORIGINAL Wart Wonder! nasty warts anywhere on your skin. Also recommended for for flat warts.
- Super Potent - especially for plantar warts and large, crusty warts anywhere.
- Delicate Places - especially for sensitive areas!
Looking for an all-natural way to remove warts naturally, without fuss or invasive procedures? Wart Wonder™ is a completely natural wart remedy that combines super-infused herbs and anti-viral essential oils to target the root cause of warts. This easy to use, non-sting formula was developed by Linda Doby for her own five-year-old son. He is in his twenties now and the warts never came back!
Warts are caused by the highly contagious Verruca virus, which thrives in warm, moist environments and often does not show up on the skin for months after exposure. Often described as having a crusty outer layer, warts have a soft core that is fed by tiny capillaries that form a clot at the tip, which looks like a dark dot in the wart's center. Left untreated, warts can grow quite large, painful and can spread to other parts of the body.
Conventional medical treatments for wart removal such as laser surgery, chemical treatments, and excision are invasive and can permanently damage surrounding skin. Because these treatments remove the wart without treating the Verucca virus, many people discover that their warts grow back over time.
Wart Wonder™ is a permanent solution that addresses the root cause of warts. The all-natural formula kills the Verucca virus and gradually removes the wart, eliminating the need for costly and invasive treatments and ensuring that the wart does not grow back.
Wart Wonder™ is available in three varieties for warts in any part of the body. 2 fl oz. (60 mL).
- Wart Wonder™ Regular The ORIGINAL Wart Wonder! nasty warts anywhere on your skin. Also recommended for for flat warts.
- Super Potent - especially for plantar warts and large, crusty warts anywhere.
- Delicate Places - especially for sensitive areas!
Certified vegan and cruelty-free. 100% natural. Free of preservatives, chemicals, and synthetic ingredients. Handcrafted in small batches for freshness and effectiveness.
- No burning
- No freezing
- No cutting
- No scarring
- No harsh chemicals
- 100% natural
- Results Guaranteed!
Disclaimer: Have your situation diagnosed by your qualified practitioner. The information herein is not meant to substitute for the advice of your physician and has not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
How to Use
Wart Wonder™ is easy to use and child-friendly.
Apply Wart Wonder™ on a bandage and apply to the wart three times daily. Results vary, of course, but do expect results! Note that most of the action begins under the skin at the root of the wart. Typically you might see changes in the size, color, and texture of warts. The wart might shrink or puff out like a cauliflower at first, or turn white, black, red, or purple. Warts tend to soften in texture as a part of the farewell process and black dots within the wart might become exposed - these are the capillaries that feed the wart. How long it takes for the warts to disappear vary from person to person. Sometimes it takes one, two, or even four bottles to do the trick.
How long it takes for your warts to go away depends on several factors. Time is only one of those factors. Here are some of the factors which determine wart removal:
- How old is your wart?
- How many warts are there?
- How much Wart Wonder are you applying?
- How often do you apply Wart Wonder?
- How long do you keep the wart wet with the formula?
- Where is the wart located?
- What is your own general rate of healing?
- How much of the formula have you used so far?
We could have designed Wart Wonder™ to work over night, but that would have created a painful, ugly eschar (hole/scar). Rather, we created the formula to work with your own tissue painlessly. As the wart dies, your own healthy tissue fills in behind it. This is why there is no scar after the process is complete. In your situation, the wart(s) might require more than 2 fl. oz. (60mL) to complete the process.
The instructions call for using a Band-aid, but if warts are located in places where Band-aid use would be inconvenient, go ahead and use the formula without covering the wart. The process will take longer, but is still effective!
Our customers report that Wart Wonder™ has completely gotten rid of their viral warts including Plantar warts, genital warts, rectal warts, and those warts commonly found on fingers, toes, eyelids, ankles, knees. All without leaving scars!
Some years ago, a fellow we served, had 200 warts all up and down his right side with none on his left. Some of those 200 left within a couple weeks, others took 10 months. Each looked different as they died. The process was fascinating. We tend to think that they would all go away at the same time in the same manner. His persistence paid off. He's been wart-free for 11 years now.
Reduce risk of getting and spreading warts by wearing shoes, especially at public pools and in locker rooms. Keep feet clean and dry. Never share shoes or socks. Do not touch or scratch warts. Don't share towels. Change shoes and socks daily.
Awards & Press
- Wart Wonder™ was recommended by YM Magazine!
- Wart Wonder™ was awarded the National Health and Wellness Club Seal of Approval.
A Handful of our Wart WonderTM Reviews/Testimonials:
"I love Wart Wonder. Boy, if you have a wart, Wart Wonder is the thing!"
"Dear Wellinhand, As a Naturopathic Physician I have been attempting to treat a common wart over the dorsum of the distal interphalangeal joint on the right small finger of my 14 year old son for over 2 years. The initial wart measured approximately .5 x .5 cm and recently noticed two smaller warts more proximal on his finger. We had tried numerous over-the-counter treatments and custom formulations, each time the wart would shrink slightly but would never completely resolve.
After using Wart Wonder for about 2 weeks the warts are completely gone. It is a great relief for my son as he had become embarrassed by covering it all the time with a band-aid, and a great relief for me as a father to see that it has completely resolved.
I would like to commend you for such a fine product and will recommend Wart Wonder to my patients and friends in the future. Thank you for your assistance. Yours in Health, Dr. Barry A. Broughton"
"Thank you, thank you, thank you! I can't seem to figure out why a certified doctor, to whom I have paid hundreds of dollars, could not offer the results which you have for only $50. I have had scattered warts on my left hand for most of my life, and in recent years have had many flat warts on my face. It has only been two weeks and I am seeing greater results than I have with all other products combined for my multi-year-long battle, plus there is no redness, soreness,'s all worry free! I'm almost done with my first bottle and I have my hopes set on it taking only one more bottle before my wart worries are gone forever." - J.E of AZ
"Well, just a couple weeks into it, the Wart Wonder product is working great on my daughter's facial flat warts. Were not quite done our first bottle and ALL are gone on her forehead, under her chin and next to her ear (where they were the most plentiful). We're still working on a cluster in the center of her left cheek and a smaller cluster in the center of her right cheek. You've made a believer out of me that you definitely have an excellent product in Wart Wonder." - D.S., MD
"I get a thrill looking at my finger knowing the big wart is gone. I can wear a ring now and feel pretty again! It works! I love it! I've recommended it to my friends. It's great!” - C.L. of CA
“It actually worked! I was so skeptical! I am amazed at the success of Wart Wonder. To get rid of the virus that makes warts, people usually go to a dermatologist knowing that they have to have a scar as a result of treatment. The resulting scars can be worse than the dadgum wart itself. I saw your product at Whole Foods and figured, why not? Lo and behold, my son's warts are gone! It took two weeks, but they are gone!" - R.B. of Devine, TX
“Hi, folks, I've never written a letter to a company in my whole life and I want you to know this is coming from a cynical, ex-advertising exec who worked for one of the biggest ad agencies in the world. I had to let you know, however, that "Wart Wonder" actually did what you claimed. I had ugly viral warts on the tips of three fingers around the nails and it looked terrible! I went to a Dr. who sliced off the tips of my fingers with a razor blade, causing a lot of bleeding. Then I wore adhesive bandages over the fingers for a month, but it came right back. I then tried over-the-counter-wart removers that were very acidic and none of them worked. This went on for months and I actually started wearing Band-aids on my fingertips just to hide them. My wife, who believes in herbal remedies, asked me to try your product and I was very skeptical. By the time I finished one bottle, the warts were completely gone and never came back! I don't understand (or maybe I do) why doctors don't just use this right off the bat, but I'm sure glad I did. Thanks for a product that actually does what it says it will do!" - J. W. of San Diego, CA.
"I loved your stuff. I had tried every thing there is to get warts off and none of them would ever work. I then found Wart Wonder and now all of my warts are gone and have not come back! The only thing I think you guys should do is to explain on the bottle what to expect to happen to the warts. The first couple of days I wasn't sure and got worried when the warts got purple and dark red. But other than that I think you are great and your product really does work! Thank you!" - L. T. of El Cajon, CA
"After a podiatrist took a scalpel to a group of warts on my toe and I bled for two days and could barely walk for a week and then told me to come again so he could burn them, I never made the next appointment. I found this site and ordered Wart Wonder right away. Two weeks later, they were gone. There was no pain, no skin peeling, no recurrence. This product is amazing!" - Happy Customer, CA
"I waited three years for this day! It's amazing!! My beard area was covered in flat warts. It is very hard getting an acting job with warts all over one's face, much less finding a girlfriend. I found Wart Wonder at the Redondo Beach Whole Foods store, have used it for a week and my face is gorgeous! I had tried everything from Thuja Oil to Tea Tree to Pau d'Arco tea and other preparations. I saw several dermatologists who gave me medicine to ignite my immune system but nothing worked! Wart Wonder targeted the wart leaving the surrounding skin alone. It is worth every penny. If it were not for Wart Wonder I would have had the warts forever!" - C.B., of CA
"My husband and I recently purchased your product for warts for our daughter who has suffered for some time from Plantar’s warts. The product is working so well, she looked for your website and told me about your Well-in-Hand Therapy Oil, which I purchased today at the health food store. We gave them a glowing report about the wart product, which they were very happy to hear. I am going to use your Well-in-Hand Therapy Oil for wrist pain I have been having since a severe wrist fracture six months ago. My daughter told me to read what YOU have to say, so I intend to do just that. Thank You!” - J.J., of LA
"I ordered Wart Wonder about a month ago. I had been suffering with a persistent wart on my finger for over a year. I had been to every health food store in my area, looked through all the herbal books, tried at least seven different "cures" and though the wart would shrink, it would not go away. Two weeks of Wart Wonder made it disappear! Gone. Adios. No mo' wart! I'm delighted. Thank you so much for your great product." - Warmly, Leslie T., of VA
"Hello, I just wanted to let you know that you've got a faithful customer for life. I am going to order several of your products after I write this note to you. My son was plagued with flat warts for 3 years! He developed them when he was 10 years old, and not knowing what they were...I didn't do anything until they were basically out of control. He had several on his chin, nose, and forehead. My daughter started to get them as well - as they are highly contagious. We went to the dermatologist for 2 years, going through painful sessions of burning them off. What's worse, is the Doctor gave us no hope whatsoever. He said that often times, they never go away. My son, now 13, was getting so frustrated that he resolved himself to the fact that he would just have to live with these warts. That is when I got on the Internet and found your website. I couldn't believe it when I saw one of the testimonials from someone else who suffered with flat warts as well. I ordered the Wart wonder that same day.
I want to tell you, that within 3 weeks his warts were gone! It was amazing to watch this stuff work! It was almost as if the wart wonder was pulling the poison right out...they became raised and red, then scabbed. We put it on religiously 3 times a day...but gave it a break when his skin started to become sensitive. Well, they are gone...and I can't thank you enough! Oh, and by the way, my daughter only required a few treatments...and hers are gone also! Thank you so so much!" - J.D., MI
“After 5 years and hundreds of dollars going to dermatologists for warts, I was about to give up. I went to herbal garlic, castor oil, vitamin A and E...nothing worked...until I came across WART WONDER. This is the most amazing stuff that I have ever tried!! Everyone who knows me and my trouble with warts is in disbelief. I cannot tell you how grateful I am to you and Wart Wonder. After 5 long years I can now go out without putting bandages on my warts to hide them. Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart." - K. V. of VA
"I had horrible warts for many years. I tried everything the dermatologists had to offer, and then tried every conceivable natural product. I came across Wart Wonder in a health food store and decided it couldn't hurt. I no longer have to bandage my fingers to cover up my unsightly warts.... they are gone. The massive plantar warts on my foot are almost a third less in size. You have truly turned me into a Well-in-Hand trustee. Thank you.” - D.U. of SC
"I just wanted to let you know that I absolutely love your product, Wart Wonder. Nothing had ever worked for me and I was reluctant at first to try it. I was so amazed to see my warts finally disappear! Thanks for your great product and I hope to hear from you soon." - G.S., PA
"We have tried the Wart Wonder and it really does work and we appreciate your effort—no scars or remnants!” - C.C., MO
“Two years ago, I stumbled upon your remedy for warts "Wart Wonder". And it is a wonder. It cleared up my older daughter's foot warts and is now doing wonders on my younger daughter's foot warts. It is non-invasive and a wonderful example for both of my children as to the effectiveness of natural products for natural healing. Thanks!” J. G., of RI
Relief is Well-in-Hand!
"I purchased your Wart Wonder at a health food store in Tulsa, OK last month. I had several very painful warts. They had been diagnosed by a doctor as seed warts. One was behind and partially under my thumb nail. One doctor stated that this one was very large and would take considerable work due to its position. He stated that this wart removal would cost me about $300-400. I had tried the harsh chemicals which are over the counter, and even straight fresh garlic. None gave me any results.
I used your formula about 2 1/2 weeks. It was quite painful, and I would have to stop the therapy from time to time. At the last day of treatment, I decided to give my thumb a break for the formula was blistering the area around the wart.
I stopped for about a week, then began again for one day. I noticed the wart was a bit loose, so I tried to pull it off. It came off without much pain. I looked at the area beneath, and saw only a few seeds left at the circumference of the affected area. So I began using the formula once again.
From the first day the wart began turning black. I knew this meant it was dying. So, though the treatment was painful for me, it was a pleasure to think that soon it would be gone.
I have four more warts on my left foot which I plan to work on next. As I see this one leaving, I think about the worst case I have ever seen. I am a nurse, and I admitted a patient with a stroke on his left side. This meant he had right sided weakness. As I gave him a total body assessment I came to his left foot. On the bottom of his foot behind his toes and extending down his foot about 4 inches, was a cauliflower wart. It covered the whole width of his foot. I asked the doctor what they could do for him. He said that it was the largest wart he had ever seen, and that there was nothing which could be done for him short of amputation. He already had right sided weakness, and did not need to loose his left foot. After seeing the results I have acquired so far, I wish I had known about the product at this time. I would like to thank you for creating it. Be Blessed, Connie"
"I bought Wart Wonder with a great deal of skepticism. I had a wart between my toes which went undetected until it got big. I spent several hundred dollars with a dermatologist, and it kept coming back. I also tried salicylic acid from the drugstore (it doesn't work!). I have also tried other natural remedies, which did not work. I'm especially glad to be able to treat this problem herbally, without the heavy handedness so common in western medicine. Thank you for making such a great product." - Debbie Thomas, MD
Formulated by Linda Doby for her own son’s Plantar Warts in 1996. Those painful warts never came back!
Customer Reviews
Customer Reviews
"Two years ago my seven year old had 30 warts. We put it on faithfully for a couple of months and they went away. This is a good product."
"I get a thrill looking at my finger knowing the big wart is gone. I can wear a ring now and feel pretty again! It works! I love it! I've recommended it to my friends. It's great! C.L., Santa Cruz, CA
"It actually worked! I was so skeptical! I am amazed at the success of Wart Wonder. To get rid of the virus that makes warts, people usually go to a dermatologist knowing that they have to have a scar as a result of treatment. The resulting scars can be worse than the dadgum wart itself. I saw your product at Whole Foods and figured, why not? Lo and behold, my son's warts are gone! It took two weeks but they are gone!" R.B. Devine, TX
"I recently used Wart Wonder and finally got rid of a wart. This last week I started to get a Herpes blister and it occurred to me since a wart and herpes are caused by a virus maybe Wart Wonder would work on the blister as well. With in 24 hours it was improving and in three days it was totally gone. I applied only twice a day for three days. I wanted to let you know as it may help many others. I thank you for your product!" S.B.
"Hi, folks, I've never written a letter to a company in my whole life and I want you to know this is coming from a cynical, ex-advertising exec who worked for one of the biggest ad agencies in the world. I had to let you know, however, that "Wart Wonder" actually did what you claimed. I had ugly viral warts on the tips of three fingers around the nails and it looked terrible! I went to a Dr. who sliced off the tips of my fingers with a razor blade, causing a lot of bleeding. Then I wore adhesive bandages over the fingers for a month, but it came right back. I then tried over-the-counter-wart removers that were very acidic and none of them worked. This went on for months and I actually started wearing band-aids on my fingertips just to hide them. My wife, who believes in herbal remedies, asked me to try your product and I was very skeptical. By the time I finished one bottle, the warts were completely gone and never came back! I don't understand (or maybe I do) why doctors don't just use this right off the bat, but I'm sure glad I did. Thanks for a product that actually does what it says it will do!" J. W., San diego, CA.
"I waited three years for this day! It's amazing!! My beard area was covered in flat warts. It is very hard getting an acting job with warts all over one's face! much less finding a girlfriend. I found Wart Wonder at the Redoundo Beach Whole Foods store, have used it for a week and my face is gorgeous! I had tried everything from Thuja Oil to Tea Tree to Pau d'Arco tea and other preparations. I saw dermatologists who gave me medicine to ignite my immune system but nothing worked! Wart Wonder targeted the wart leaving the surrounding skin alone. It is worth every penny. If it were not for Wart Wonder I would have had the warts forever!" C.B., CA
"My husband and I recently purchased your product for warts for our daughter who has suffered for some time from plantar's warts. The product is working so well, she looked for your website and told me about your Well-in-Hand Therapy Oil, which I purchased today at the health food store. We gave them a glowing report about the wart product, which they were very happy to hear. I am going to use your Well-in-Hand Therapy Oil for wrist pain I have been having since a severe wrist fracture six months ago. My daughter told me to read what YOU have to say, so I intend to do just that. Thank You!"
"I ordered Wart Wonder about a month ago. I had been suffering with a persistent wart on my finger for over a year. I had been to every health food store in my area, looked through all the herbal books, tried at least seven different "cures" and though the wart would shrink, it would not go away. Two weeks of Wart Wonder made it disappear! Gone. Adios. No mo' wart! I'm delighted. Thank you so much for your great product." Warmly, LT"
"After 5 years and hundreds of dollars going to dermatologists for warts, I was about to give up. I went to herbal garlic, castor oil, vitamin A and E...nothing worked...until I came across WART WONDER. This is the most amazing stuff that I have ever tried!! Everyone who knows me and my trouble with warts is in disbelief. I cannot tell you how grateful I am to you and Wart Wonder. After 5 long years I can now go out without putting bandages on my warts to hide them. Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart." K. V. Richmond, VA
"I had horrible warts for many years. I tried everything the dermatalogists had to offer, and then tried every conceivable natural product. I came across Wart Wonder in a health food store and decided it couldn't hurt. I no longer have to bandage my fingers to cover up my unsightly warts.... they are gone. The massive plantar warts on my foot are almost a third less in size. You have truly turned me into a Well-in-hand trustee. Thank you."
"I just wanted to let you know that I absolutely love your product, Wart Wonder. Nothing had ever worked for me and I was reluctant at first to try it. I was so amazed to see my warts finally disappear! Thanks for your great product and I hope to hear from you soon."
"I got Wart Wonder for my daughter. It’s done a terrific job. It has really cleared up her skin. She says that she no longer have to be ashamed to show her hands!”
"The Wart Wonder product was easy to use and non-invasive. It removed the wart without the burn. No pain or peeling skin."
"Wart Wonder is wonderful. I thank you and my 10 year old daughter Lisa thanks you! We got rid of her wart just in time for our vacation. It’s fantastic!"
"Dear Well-in-Hand, As a Naturopathic Physician I have been attempting to treat a common wart over the dorsum of the distal interphalangeal joint on the right small finger of my 14 year old son for over 2 years. The initial wart measured approximately .5 x .5 cm and recently noticed two smaller warts more proximal on his finger. We had tried numerous over-the-counter treatments and custom formulations, each time the wart would shrink slightly but would never completely resolve. After using Wart Wonder for about 2 weeks the warts are completely gone. It is a great relief for my son as he had become embarrassed by covering it all the time with a Band-Aid, and a great relief for me as a father to see that it has completely resolved. I would like to commend you for such a fine product and will recommend Wart Wonder to my patients and friends in the future. Thank you for your assistance. Yours in Health, Dr. Barry A. Broughton"
"My 15 1/2 year old Bichon has had wart problems all his life. About 5 years ago I agreed to a "wart removal procedure" when he had his yearly dental cleaning. He was sedated and when he came home, he looked as though he had been shot about 50 times with a BB gun from the warts which were cauterized, and he had a "cone" on his head for almost a month because of the warts which were surgically removed so he couldn't remove the stitches. The places where they surgically removed the warts were about three times bigger than the warts were. He was so miserable and I swore I would never do that to him again. Then I found your Wart Wonder and whenever the warts come back, I use the extra strength, because I can't use a band aid, so it takes a little longer. But soon, they just come right off in chunks on the Q-tip I use. My vet couldn't (or maybe wouldn't) believe it!! Now I don't have to feel like a bad Dog Mommy and Seth doesn't have to go through that pain and misery. Your product is absolutely amazing (AND VEGAN!!). I can't say enough, just Thank You from the both of us."
"Hi Linda, I've never written you, but I wanted to thank you. I stumbled across Wart Wonder a few years back, after battling a plantar's wart the size of a quarter, along with the others that had spread to my hands. It did what 7 years of doctors, meds, freezing, and lasers couldn't. And in less than 30 days. I read a little about you on your website. When I read that you had a special ed background, well, that was the icing on the cake. I have a son with autism and hyperlexia. Tonight I got to share recommendations about plantar wart treatment with the mom of a child with autism who has a plantar wart. I told her my story. You'll soon have another fan :-) And about my warts... I was so frustrated after the doctor visits that I took a "before" picture of the warts. And an "after". I'd like to share them with you if you'd like to put them up on your website."
"To whom it may concern, I am writing you in regards to your product WART WONDER. I must confess I tried your product as a last resort. I didn't really believe it would work and I used it rather haphazardly and didn't get the desired results and was going to return the product. This stubborn wart had been with me for 10 years and I had tried to rid myself of it several times, but to no avail. Every time it was burned off, it would appear again. (It was on my right index finger). I finally decided to have it surgically removed and made a doctor appointment. Fortunately, a friend persuaded me that I should give WART WONDER another try before surgery so I cancelled and applied WW to my finger religiously. After about 3 weeks the war was gone and even more surprising was that I couldn't feel the little knot inside that I usually had before. It has been months now and I have no reoccurrence. This is almost a miracle. I thought I would die with this wart on my finger!! I am so sold on your product that I mailed a bottle to my son in California. I told a woman at the post office who was about to have surgery for her ten year old son on his wart. Now she is going to try Wart Wonder instead. Now I'm a believer!! This is the f